2nd Annual Poster Day Displays Cutting-Edge Research

On January 24, Blythedale Children’s Hospital hosted dozens of staff, clinicians, researchers and scientists for the 2nd Annual Poster Day, an event showcasing pediatric research in the field of neuroscience and the ongoing collaborative efforts with Burke Neurological Institute, also known as the Burke-Blythedale Pediatric Neuroscience Research Collaboration.
Fifteen studies were on display (an increase from last year) from various departments including nursing and therapies, as well as other clinical staff participating in research. Hands-on demonstrations were also held by the vision, hemiplegia and cognitive recovery teams.

"The annual Poster Day is the perfect opportunity for the entire Blythedale and Burke communities to come together and share the cutting edge clinical research that is being done right here at Blythedale Children’s Hospital. It was wonderful to see so many people come out, and demonstrate their enthusiasm and passion for our mission of translating advances into improved treatment for children with neurological impairments,” said Dr. Dianna E. Willis, Director of Research for the Burke-Blythedale Pediatric Neuroscience Research Collaboration.
“This event strengthens the connection between the clinical practice at Blythedale and the scientific research at Burke,” said Larry Levine, President & CEO of Blythedale Children’s Hospital. “Research is a critical activity at the Hospital to greater understand the disease impacting the kids we treat, and ultimately, find new treatments.”
Read the full list of research posters, below:
Towards a Scalable Neurological Assessment Platform: Reusable Software Infrastructure for Vision Testing and Beyond
N. Jeremy Hill, Scott Mooney, Glen Prusky, Jason Carmel
Curveball: a tool for rapid measurement of contrast sensitivity based on eye movements
Scott Mooney, N. Jeremy Hill, Melis Tuzun, Nazia Alam, Jason Carmel, Glen Prusky
Re-establishing Care for Adults with Cerebral Palsy Using Chemoneurolysis With Botulinum Toxin And/Or Alcohol
Heakyung Kim, M.D., Amber Newell PNP & OTR/L
Passive Goal Achievement After Single-Event Multi-Level Chemoneurolysis In Adults With Cerebral Palsy
Sangjee Lee, Amber Newell, Heakyung Kim
Combined Unimanual And Bimanual Intensive Occupational Therapy Improves Upper Limb Function In Children With Unilateral Brain Injury
Ka Lai Kelly Au, MA, OTR/L; Julie Knitter, OTR/L; Susan Morrow-McGinty, MEd, OTR/L; Lindsey Soles, BS; Talita Campos, BS; Jason Carmel, MD, PhD; Kathleen Friel, PhD.
The Use of Low-Cost VR and AVG to Address Balance and Visual-Perceptual Skills in Children with CP and BI
Teresa Smith, PT, MS, NCS; Phyllis Guarrera-Bowlby, EdD, PCS; Karen Resnik, DPT, PCS; Daniel Chen, BS in Health Science Student BU
Adaptive Arm Training for Children with Hemiparesis
Talita C. Campos, BS; Kathleen M. Friel, PhD
Quantification of Sensorimotor Function in Children with Hemiparesis
Talita C. Campos, BS; Kelly Au OTR/L; Julie Knitter, OTR/L, Sue Morrow-McGinty OTR/L; Kathleen Friel, PhD
Anatomical and Functional Characterization of Brain Injury in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: An Atlas-based Analysis
Claudio L. Ferre, Jason B. Carmel, Andrew M. Gordon, Kathleen M. Friel
Biostatistical Analysis and Trial MANagement (BATMAN): Your Clinical Research Tutor
Kathleen M. Friel, PhD
Actigraphy Changes that Accompany Cognitive Recovery Following Severe Acquired Brain Injury
Kaitlyn Ramlakhan, Sophie Nowak, Sudhin Shah, PhD
Feasibility of the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery (NIHTB-CB) to Access Cognitive Impairment Following Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
Christine Neumayer, MA, CCC-SLP; William Watson, PhD; Alison Pedowitz, BA; Sophie Nowak, BA; Kaitlyn Ramlakhan;
Elana Kaplan; Sudhin Shah, PhD
Comprehensive Assessment of Cognitive Function in Chronic Pediatric TBI
Eric Caliendo; Sumit N Niogi, MD, PhD; Henning U. Voss, PhD; Sophie Nowak, BA; Nicholas Schiff, MD; Jeremy Hill, D.Phil;
Sudhin Shah, PhD
Central Line Care Initiative at Blythedale Children’s Hospital: Translating Evidence-Based Practice to the Bedside
Chana Katz, RN, WCC; Diane Carey, MSN, RN, CPN; Kiersten Fiorio, BSN, RN, CPN; Mercy Rios-Floyd, BSN, RN, CPN;
Ann Marie Vigorito, BSN, RN, CIC
Registered Nurses as Preceptors: A Qualitative Case Study
Melissa Shemek, MSN Ed., RNC-NICU, Director of Nursing Education