Nonprofits Join Forces to Combat Hunger in Westchester

“We know that there are some communities in Westchester that are food deserts and we want to make sure they have what they need,” said Shaun Jones, Senior Pastor of Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Ossining, N.Y., while looking through his office window at a long line of people in the parking lot.

"We are set up like a farmer's market. Clients can come through and pick food they want to take home," said Peter Pozo, Mobile Food Pantry Coordinator for Feeding Westchester. "In such an affluent county, it's hard to believe many residents are food insecure. At Feeding Westchester, we are doing our best to address the need."
On average, half of the people this program serves are children, so it is essential to also provide information to raise awareness about the importance of eating healthy.

Marie Roth, Blythedale Children’s Hospital & Kohl’s Eat Well, Be Well Program lead dietitian, was on hand to do just that. She distributed bilingual fliers about plant-based diets and recipes, plus seed cups for attendees to grow flavorful, nutritious herbs at home.
“Herbs give you great nutritional value with anti-oxidants and polyphenols to protect your health,” said Roth. “The sooner we can get kids to eat herbs, fruits and vegetables, the better health they will have with fewer diseases or risk factors as they grow.”

“There has been an increase in the need despite socio-economic status, so there’s been more people coming,” said Pastor Jones. “We’re all just grateful to be a part of this service to feed those who need help.”
Kohl’s has supported the Hospital’s highly successful Eat Well, Be Well program since 2006, and has donated more than $2.8 million to Blythedale Children’s Hospital since 2000. To learn more about Kohl’s Eat Well, Be Well Program, visit our website at, or for more information on how you can get involved in the Mobile Food Pantry, log onto or call Feeding Westchester at 914-923-1100.