Blythedale's Buzz Going to Westminster

Watch out Westminster, Buzz has returned and he’s bringing his best stuff.
Students, staff and administrators gathered inside the Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale School at Blythedale Children’s Hospital this morning to give a special sendoff to their beloved visiting therapy dog, Buzz. The two-year-old Belgian Tervuren is set to compete next week at The Westminster Kennel Club Show in N.Y.C. and hopes to take home first place for best of breed.
This is the third year Buzz, ranked second nationwide, has competed at Westminster. He picked up his first award there at just nine-months old. Now, Buzz and his handler/Blythedale volunteer, Patti Murphy, are returning to the ring for a third try at this prestigious canine crown.
“I think he’s going to do amazing,” said Murphy. “No matter what happens, it’s going to be just fine.”
Buzz is not only a prize winning show pooch, but also part of Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale School’s “Reading with Rover” program at the Hospital. The weekly event promotes student literacy through canine interaction. School Principal Griselda Rodriguez-Reyes says all of Buzz’s time spent visiting classrooms and being in the spotlight, has prepared him for this moment.
“He’s used to the attention, so the dog show will be a walk in the park for him,” said Rodriguez-Reyes. “Buzz is beautiful, both inside and out, with the love and laughter he gives our students here.”
Groups of kindergarteners, fourth-graders and fifth-graders also made signs saying “Good Luck Buzz”. One student even gave his thoughts about the outcome of the show, saying, “He’s going to win because he’s obedient and a very good dog!” Buzz then nuzzled up against the young boy which brought a smile to Patti’s face.
News crews from WABC-TV, WCBS-TV and News 12 Westchester also joined in the fun to cover this unique story. You can watch some of the coverage below.
Buzz will begin his quest to become top dog at Westminster on Monday, February 12.
For more show information or to watch Buzz compete, click here.