Blythedale Hosts 3rd Annual Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

The annual meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Burke-Blythedale Pediatric Neuroscience Research Collaboration, was held at Blythedale Children’s Hospital on Monday, December 2, 2019.

The role of the scientific advisory board is to evaluate the direction and scientific merit of the Research Program, which ensures that research at Blythedale is relevant to the mission of the Blythedale Children’s Hospital, is accomplishing its goals, and is being conducted at the highest standards.
The four Collaboration research programs (Vision Recovery, Motor Recovery, Cognitive Recovery and Neurotechnology) were evaluated following presentations from their Directors (Glen Prusky, Ph.D., Kathleen Friel, Ph.D., Sudhin Shah, Ph.D., and Jeremy Hill, Ph.D., respectively). In addition, Edmund Hollis, Ph.D., Director of the Circuit Repair Laboratory at BNI, presented on the connection between basic research and clinical research.

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