Stories & Outcomes

Discharge days are bittersweet at Blythedale Children's Hospital. While we miss the children we become so close to over the course of their treatment, our hearts soar when they are able to return to their families and their communities. We are proud to share some of their stories.

Messiah Comes Home

“He is our first child, giving us a run for our money,” said Chappisha Morgan, smiling as she pulled a small shirt over her three-month-old son Messiah’s vertical chest scar. Messiah’s dad, Terrance Mackie, was packing up their belongings for a big family “first”. Their baby boy was going home. “We...


  • Post Acute Neonatal Care
  • Specialized Feeding
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Preemie

Visionary Valentino

Burke-Blythedale Pediatric Neuroscience Research Collaboration Sets Sights on Innovative Rehab Project

Electronic music is made for dancing, but for the vision research team of the Burke-Blythedale Pediatric Neuroscience Research Collaboration, plugging in and pumping up the volume is just part of the job when working with Valentino Guidi. Born a healthy baby in 2006, Valentino reached all the...

Marvelous Mirela

Blythedale Patient Overcomes the Odds to Thrive in Pediatric Long Term Care

In June of 2016, then three-month-old Mirela was admitted to Blythedale’s Infant & Toddler Unit for medical management of her complex condition, and potentially for ventilator weaning. She was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and chronic respiratory failure, as well as congenital hypotonia, a...


  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Chronic Respiratory Failure
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Hypotonia

Tenacious Tasnim

A Tale of Hope Through Blythedale's Complex Wound Management

Thirteen-year-old Tasnim moved to the United States from Bangladesh in 2015, and settled with her family in Brooklyn. She quickly acclimated to her new school - excelling in academics, playing on the volleyball team, and making many friends. When she began exhibiting flu-like symptoms, she visited...


  • Complex Wound and Burn Management
  • Multi-Organ Failure

Jadon and Anias Take the Next Step...Home

Previously conjoined twins prepare to transition home following comprehensive rehabilitation

The milestones have been plentiful for two-year-old previously conjoined twins, Jadon and Anias McDonald, and on September 2, they added a new one to their growing list... going home. Admitted to Blythedale’s Infant and Toddler Unit for nearly nine months, the boys were all smiles as parents Nicole...


  • Post Acute Neonatal Care

Unlocking the Future

Learn more about Blythedale's Assistive Technology program, and how it's changed the lives of four extraordinary patients.

As technology continues to advance, children with special needs are becoming increasingly more integrated into the world around them. Blythedale's comprehensive Assistive Technology program, one of only a few such programs in New York State, is opening doors for children like Barbara, Ashley...


  • Assistive Technology
  • Complex Chronic Conditions
  • Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Congenital Anomalies
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Stroke

Matthew's Perfect Pitch

Thirteen-year-old Mathew was well-known as a baseball prodigy in the Little League community. A versatile player, the talented teen hit more than 70 home runs in one year alone. The road that led him to Blythedale is heart-breaking, but his tenacity and courage in the face of adversity has led to an...


  • Complex Wound and Burn Management
  • Severe Burns